
Babies ages 0-2

  • Nursery – Childcare is offered for children ages 0-2 during Sunday School, the 11 am service, the 6 pm service, and also during Discipleship Training Wednesdays at 7 pm.  Our nursery director, Jessica McAllister, ensures that the nursery is a safe, clean, and enjoyable place for your child to stay while you participate in worship.

Pre-School through 6th Grade

  • Sunday School –  Gap Creek believes that small group, age based learning is vital to helping children understand and grow in their faith.  Our teachers have years of experience and a passion for working with children.
  • Glorifires – After Sunday School at 10:45, our children participate in a time of praise and worship known as our Glorifires Children’s Choir.  During these 10 minute practices, children work on songs, movement, and drama to share in special programs with our adult congregation.
  • Children’s Church –  Children are meant to wiggle and giggle, and we understand that traditional worship and preaching is often suited to the adults in the church.  With that in mind, Gap Creek offers children’s church for pre-school and kindergarten, led by Trish Irvin, who has more than a decade of preschool teaching experience.  Nichole Goins leads our 1st through 6th grade Children’s Church with more than 15 years experience.  Through music, games, activities, and multimedia, children are able to learn and worship – with wiggling and giggling allowed!
  • Gap Kids – Starting in September, children will have the opportunity to explore the Bible and missions every Wednesday at 7:00 pm through TeamKid.  This is a program focusing on 6 important areas of discipleship:  Who is God?  What is the Bible?  Who is Jesus?  The People Called by God, Living it Out, and What are We Telling Others?  Students will cover these topics through high energy lessons, missions activities, scripture memorization, and fun games to re-inforce their learning.


  • Being a Christian teen in today’s culture goes against the norm.  Gap Creek Youth provides a place for young adults, 7th – 12th grade, to get together and realize they’re not the only one.  Through Sunday School and Discipleship Training on Wednesdays at 7 pm, youth learn important Biblical truths, how to discern and defend their beliefs, and how to deal with the growing challenges of being a Christian young adults.  Youth also have the opportunity to attend exciting events, conferences, and just get together to have fun with other believers.

Young Adults

  • With a diverse group of college students, working young adults, and young married couples, the young adult ministry focuses on addressing issues relevant to those trying to figure out their way through adulthood.  This small group meets in room 35 on Sunday Mornings at 10:00 am and for special events throughout the year.


  • Sunday School – Gap Creek offers several adult classes during the Sunday School hour for adults to connect and grow with other believers.
  • Discipleship Training – Wednesday at 7 pm, adults gather in the sanctuary for a time of Bible study and prayer.
  • Choir – The Gap Creek Choir practices Sundays at 5 pm and are an important part of Sunday worship.  Church members are welcome to join and can see Minister of Music Rod Wallace for more information.
  • Women on Mission – Women on Mission offers ladies at Gap Creek an opportunity to be of service to our church, our community, in our nation, and around the world.  Meetings are held monthly to share a devotional time, plan mission projects, and fellowship.  For more information, check the events section of the site or see WOM director, Lisa Dooley.