Gap Creek is located just off of Highway 63 at 200 Arthur Rd. For directions, click here.
9:30 am Breakfast
Gap Creek believes that fellowship is vital to the church. What better way to make connections than around the breakfast table? Whether you prefer a hot breakfast like biscuits and gravy, or you enjoy a traditional bowl of cereal, we’ll be glad to serve it up between 9:30 and 9:55 in the gymnasium.
10:00 am Sunday School
With a class for every age and stage of life, Sunday School gives us an opportunity to go deeper in Bible Study in a comfortable small group setting. After class, from 10:45 to 10:55, children preschool through 6th grade meet for our Glorifires Childrens Choir. Through song and movement, children are able to praise and worship before joining the adults in the Sanctuary for more traditional worship.
11:00 am Worship
After Sunday School, Gap Creek has an opportunity to participate in worship led by the Gap Creek Choir. After a time of fellowship and praise, children preschool to 6th grade are dismissed to Children’s Church while the congregation spends time exploring the truths of God’s word.
6:00 pm Evening Worship
At 6:00 pm, our congregation enjoys another opportunity to worship and then learn more about God’s word in a more relaxed setting.
7:00 pm Discipleship Training
During discipleship training, children pre-school through 6th grade have an opportunity to play, eat, and explore the Bible and missions.
While the children explore the Bible and missions, our youth, students 7th through 12th grade, spend time eating, playing, but most importantly, growing in their relationships with God and one another.
Adults gather in the sanctuary to worship and study together before having fellowship with the kids and the teens in the gym.